Securing your employee records with the best payroll software

Irrespective of your business size, each organization has a designated person to perform tasks. The HR payroll department has the entire workforce data related to their attendance and payroll. Employee data is immensely sensitive, and the sensitivity increases when it comes to handling the payroll. Implementation of the best payroll management solution will help to decrease payroll errors and keep the data secure. 

Every organization has to maintain a separate record for each employee including, their joining, payroll, increment, attendance, leaves, and performance. The core reason to secure your employee records is to avoid any disclosure of salary and performance data with the others. The payroll software will give access; to the employee records to that individual; resource with id and password. 

How to secure employee records with the best payroll software?

Unique login credentials:

The first step, after completing the onboarding process, the human resource department should assign a unique employee ID and create login credentials to access the systems. Depending on what system; the employee need, you set a separate login id and credentials to access the records. When the HR department sets a general password for the employee to access the payroll software. The management should ensure the resources change the password to a strong unique one so that no one else has access; to update and view his personal information. 


Attendance plays a crucial role in processing the payroll for the employee. The payroll system will ensure that the resource and his manager only have access to his attendance data. This is an efficient tool for the managers, HR department, and the employee to track his login time, log out time, and attendance. 


Every organization has a different strategy to provide employees with leaves and grant or reject based on the business requirement. The leave database is also crucial to protect because it should be only available to the employee and their managers. Cloud-based payroll software will enable your workforce to access this information from anywhere and their managers to grant or reject it on the go. 

Cost to the company:

Cost to the company (CTC) is what the company offers candidates while hiring them. The whole calculator depends on the years of experience, domain knowledge, qualification, and other parameters. As a result, this encloses the employee’s salary and is a piece of sensitive information that should not be shared with anyone else. The payroll processing software tracks and calculates the payroll based on the employee inputs and only gives access to this information to the resource. 

Net salary:

Other than the salary paid to the employee; the organization also has to comply with other mandatory law requirements. The payroll management solution in India; calculates and processes the PF, PT, ESI, and other taxes. This technology will help keep sensitive financial information secure and only accessed by the person who has the login credentials. 

Exit formalities:

Another aspect which the human resource department has to look into is the exit procedures of the employee. The employee should have access and submit his resignation letter only. Additionally, this piece of information should be only shared with their respective managers to tray and retain them. The online payroll software will ensure the resignation form is only available to the employee and the manager can view it to accept it or try with a strategy to retain him. 

Employee benefits:

Additionally, a company also offers the employees extra benefits like incentives, medical claims, travel, and other reimbursements. As this is an additional cost to the company, the employees should not misuse it or use someone else’s benefits. The online payroll software will help the employee to access his benefits; apply for them from anywhere.

Grant limited access:

Your entire workforce should not have access to edit and update the financial transactions of the business. The payroll management solution helps to restrict and grant access to the employees based on their job roles. It restricts access to other sensitive information, which does not have to do anything with their job profile.

Conclusion:Finances are very sensitive information and not everyone should have access to other’s personal and financial information. The HR payroll processing software will ensure they limit and grant access to only the information which is relevant to them.

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