Your Guide to Front-Of-The-Front-End and Back-Of-The-Front-End of Web Development

Front End and Back End: The two most commonly used terminologies in web development are frontend and backend. These words are important for web development; however, they are not interchangeable. To increase the operation of the website, each side must interact and operate as a single unit.

Front End Development: The component of a site with which the user directly communicates is referred to as the front end. It is also known as the application’s ‘client-side.’ It comprises everything that users see and interact with: text styles and colors, graphics, tables and graphs, icons, hues, and the menu bar. Front End development is done using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Front End developers execute the architecture, style, functionality, and material of just about everything shown on browser displays when websites, web apps, or smartphone apps are launched. The Front End’s primary goals are speed and efficiency. The programmer should guarantee that its site is flexible, indicating that it looks appropriately on platforms of all resolutions. Meaning; that it should be very well optimized for all types of devices. No component of the website should act erratically regardless of screen size.

The Great Partition exists, and we are glad that the words “front-of-the-front-end” and “back-of-the-front-end,” which we were coined on the Shop Talk Show, have acquired popularity. To assist them better structuring their teams and streamlining their hiring methods, a number of my customers have embraced the terms “front-of-the-front-end” and “back-of-the-front-end” instead of ” full-stack engineers are employed as it makes us very pleased since these labels help to distinguish between the many forms of web design that are required to create effective web stuff.

A front-of-the-front-end developer decides the appearance and feel of a button, while a back-of-the-front-end developer defines what happens when that button is pressed, to put it another way.

Although this blog is based on a personal experience for the front-of-the-front-end developer, it would be useful to write a separate piece that explains the duties of both front-end and back-end front-end developers.


A brief explanation: A web development that specializes in producing HTML, CSS, and persuasive JavaScript code is known as a front-of-the-front-end developer.

Among their tasks might be:

  • Making experiences that are friendly to browsers, adaptive equipment, search engines, and other environments that can consume HTML by creating semantic HTML mark-up with a heavy focus on accessibility.
  • Creating CSS code to manage the appearance and feel of the online experience, including color, fonts, responsive design, motion, and any other visual component of the user interface. Front-end designers focus on flexibility, versatility, portability, and extension while creating CSS code.
  • Composing JavaScript mainly tries to manipulate DOM elements, such as opening or shutting an accordion panel when the accordion title is clicked or dismissing a multimodal window.
  • Running tests on a never-ending stream of desktops, mobile phones, tablets, and all manner of other web-enabled devices (and even anticipating ones that haven’t been invented yet!) to ensure the UI is functional and good-looking on a never-ending stream of browsers and devices to ensure the UI is functional and good-looking on a never-ending stream of desktops, mobile phones, tablets, and all manner of other web-enabled devices (and even predicting ones that have not been invented yet)
  • Optimizing front-end code performance to produce lightweight, fast-loading, snappy, and junk-free experiences.
  • Working with designers to ensure that the brand, design vision, and UX best practices are accurately translated into the browser, which, as a reminder, is where real users will go to use the real product.
  • Working with back-end developers to verify that the front-end code is compatible with back-end code, services, APIs, and other technological architecture.
  • Developing a library of presentational UI components written in a templating language and packaged for other developers to use.
  • Creating and describing a strong, straightforward element API for each presentational piece so that programmers who use it may easily plug in anything they need.
  • Developing unit checks for the presentational UI component libraries to guarantee that the parts appear and work as they should.
  • Working with developers to understand how to open/composable or rigid/locked down each component should be, as well as architecting the component library’s flexibility/composability.
  • Sustaining the persuasive elements as just a product entails handling versioning, deploying, governance, release notes, and everything else that goes into the functioning of a software package.

Traditionally, there was a clear distinction between “front-end” and “back-end” developers: front-end programmers wrote HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while back-end coders wrote PHP, Python, ASP.NET, or another back-end language. However, nowadays that “JavaScript dun got huge,” most of the code that was published in some other dialect now is rewritten in JavaScript, obscuring the distinctions between front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end writers, as well as back-of-the-front-end and conventional back-end developers. And it’s important to define whatever a rear programmer performs.


Here’s an example: A back-of-the-front-end developer is a computer programmer that concentrates on developing JavaScript code that is required to make a web app work effectively.

Their tasks may include the following:

  • Developing software business rules to govern application state, routing, caching, authentication, etc. Back-of-the-front-end developers, in general, write the code required for the program to work properly.
  • Connecting, combining, and even creating sources of data, services, and APIs. When a user submits a form, this might entail things like obtaining, modifying, and presenting material from a CMS or publishing data to the proper service.
  • Accessing front-of-the-front-end developers’ UI code to create displays and integrate actual functionality data, and applications.
  • Optimizing JavaScript code performance helps produce a fast, responsive application that downloads and obtains/posts data efficiently.
  • Designing end-to-end, compatibility, as well as another testing, confirms that the program functions as it should.
  • Creating and maintaining JavaScript-based facilities, such as Node frameworks, utilities, and microservices.
  • Handling tests automation components such as JavaScript super PACs, technology and process, CI/CD components, etc.
  • Collaborating with front-end developers to ensure that the Toolkit library has all of the elements, variations, and API calls required to construct the interface with all its phases.
  • Collaborating alongside the project team to make sure that all market stages are appropriately reflected in the dynamic, moving application.

Collaborating with the other rear programmers and IT to verify that the required technological necessary infrastructure and also that the program can incorporate with non-JavaScript rear end code.

NOTE: This Article includes Nico Digital’s extensive research work on the above-mentioned. As the writer is not a back-of-the-front-end developer, therefore these mentioned points/ bulletins may not directly relate or be entirely accurate or even be comprehensive for that matter. So please be at complete liberty to approach us for corrections, edits, and further suggestions on how we can improve this article to provide insightful information to the readers.

Some Important Factors:

  • The distinction between the front and rear end can be hazy and varies widely amongst developers. It’s very feasible that a single developer to handle a wide range of front jobs. And it’s also worth noting that this isn’t very prevalent.
  • These duties and responsibilities are continuously shifting, but the broad distinction between “feel and look” and “features” remains useful.

Since it establishes a clear distinction between various types of code, an immediately useable UI component library may serve as a polite interaction among front-of-the-front-end developers and back-of-the-front-end developers.

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